54 Ergebnisse für: einems
''Der Prozess'': Die halbe Heimkehr des Gottfried von Einem « kleinezeitung.at
Einems Oper „Der Prozess“ erklingt in Salzburg nur konzertant - eine Kastration.
Carinthischer Sommer: ,,Jesu Wiedervermählung“ gelang! « DiePresse.com
Gottfried von Einems Mysterienoper ,,Jesu Hochzeit“ führte 1980 zu einem legendären Theaterskandal. Lotte Ingrischs Libretto hatte offenbar keiner gelesen.
Gottfried von Einem: Komponist der Stunde null - Joachim Reiber - Google Books
Die Sehnsucht war groß, nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs die Uhren neu zu stellen: Stunde null. In der Musik verkörperte keiner den Neubeginn Österreichs so sehr wie der junge Gottfried von Einem (1918–1996). Seine Oper "Dantons Tod", 1947 bei den…
Boosey & Hawkes: The Classical Music Specialists
Classical music and jazz composer information, audio and video resources. Shop for classical and educational music scores and sheet music.
Boosey & Hawkes: The Classical Music Specialists
Classical music and jazz composer information, audio and video resources. Shop for classical and educational music scores and sheet music.
Boosey & Hawkes: The Classical Music Specialists
Classical music and jazz composer information, audio and video resources. Shop for classical and educational music scores and sheet music.
Boosey & Hawkes Composers, Classical Music and Jazz Repertoire
Classical music and jazz composers. Choral, opera, ballet, orchestral, chamber, piano, strings, concert and brass band music repertoire.
Boosey & Hawkes Composers, Classical Music and Jazz Repertoire
Classical music and jazz composers. Choral, opera, ballet, orchestral, chamber, piano, strings, concert and brass band music repertoire.
Boosey & Hawkes Composers, Classical Music and Jazz Repertoire
Classical music and jazz composers. Choral, opera, ballet, orchestral, chamber, piano, strings, concert and brass band music repertoire.
Boosey & Hawkes Composers, Classical Music and Jazz Repertoire
Classical music and jazz composers. Choral, opera, ballet, orchestral, chamber, piano, strings, concert and brass band music repertoire.