15 Ergebnisse für: etronx
The Model 1873 Trapdoor Springfield Rifle - YouTube
The Springfield Armory produced around 700,000 trapdoor rifles from 1866 to 1892. In this video Larry Potterfield, CEO and Founder of MidwayUSA, takes a look...
The Yugoslav M56 Submachine Gun: Perhaps Too Simple? - YouTube
Failed to sell at auction. The M-56 is a Yugoslav take on the MP-40 design, produced starting in 1956 to replace its previously issued M49 submachine gun (wh...
Shooting Dreyse M.41 chambering m.47 cartridge.avi - YouTube
Shooting M/41 Dreyse chambering Patrone M/47. The pointed ogive M/47 replaced the Patrone M/41 (spherical bullet) and was then replaced by the more efficient...
Brad Linaweaver presents Robert A Heinlein's Brass Cannon - YouTube
Robert A. Heinlein's "The Brass Cannon." Grandmaster science-fiction author, Robert A. Heinlein, originally titled his Hugo-winning novel, The Moon is a Hars...
Spanish MP41/44 - A Copy of the Erma EMP - YouTube
Sold for $9,775 (transferrable). The Spanish-made MP41/44 is a licensed copy of the Erma EMP submachine gun. The development begins with Heinrich Vollmer in ...
Gewehr 43 - YouTube
Cool Forgotten Weapons Merch! http://shop.bbtv.com/collections/forgotten-weapons German ordnance began looking for a military selfloading rifle to augment th...
The French MAS-38 Submachine Gun - YouTube
Sold for $6,900. The MAS-38 was France’s first officially adopted submachine gun, rushed into service in 1940. It was basically too late to help with the def...
Beautiful 1625 Breechloading Wheellock - YouTube
(This item was pulled from the auction) Cool Forgotten Weapons Merch! http://shop.bbtv.com/collections/forgotten-weapons Breechloading firearms did not becom...
Thompson 1921: The Original Chicago Typewriter - YouTube
https://www.forgottenweapons.com/thompson-1921-the-original-chicago-typewriter/ http://www.patreon.com/ForgottenWeapons Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! http://...
Walther WA2000: The Ultimate German Sniper Rifle - YouTube
The Walther WA-2000 has a reputation of being the ultimate German sniper rifle, with no expense spared in its design and construction. Designed in the afterm...