112 Ergebnisse für: eu's
The European anthem | Europäische Union
Beethoven's 'Ode to Joy', without lyrics, became the EU's official anthem in 1985. Listen and read more here.
The European anthem | Europäische Union
Beethoven's 'Ode to Joy', without lyrics, became the EU's official anthem in 1985. Listen and read more here.
The Brussels Business
In the early 1990s two young men discover the immense influence of lobbying on EU legislation. One starts to investigate and becomes the EU's leading lobby-watchdog. The other one is fascinated and becomes a high-profile lobbyist in the services sector,…
Europe's Next Avoidable War: Nagorno-Karabakh - Google Books
An international and interdisciplinary group of experts shed light upon the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict today, how it evolved and likely scenarios. Taking into account a changed political landscape, including the EU's new foreign policy instruments, they…
The EU Foreign Policy Analysis: Democratic Legitimacy, Media, and Climate Change - C. Nitoiu, Cristian Ni?oiu - Google Books
The book presents a model of interaction effects between policymakers and the media which can shed light on the former's ability to enhance democratic legitimacy in foreign policy decision-making. It shows that the media enhanced the democratic legitimacy…
Not In Our Name: Why European Creators Should Oppose the EU's Proposal To Limit Linking and Censor The Internet | Electronic Frontier Foundation
The European Copyright Directive vote is in three days and it will be a doozy: what was once a largely uncontroversial grab bag of fixes to copyright is now a political firestorm, thanks to the actions of Axel Voss, the German MEP who changed the Directive…
Geschichte | Über die Delegationen | DASE | Delegationen | Europäisches Parlament
Kurzdarstellung der Geschichte der DASE-Delegation: wann wurde sie gegründet, welche Rechtsgrundlage hat sie, wie hat sie sich entwickelt, welche Kontakte pflegt sie zu den jeweiligen Partnern, welche Schwerpunkte setzt sie, und was hat sie bisher erre...
Kissinger “Who do I call if I want to call Europe?” - Google-Suche
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