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Folkways31 Ergebnisse für: foodways
ZDB-Katalog - Suchergebnisseite: iss="0740-9710"
ZDB Zeitschriftendatenbank
Changing Chinese Foodways in Asia - Google Books
This book examines Chinese food and the culture of food consumption in East and Southeast Asia. Through the lens of food, the authors address recent theories in social science concerning cultural identity, ethnicity, boundary formation, consumerism and…
Sauerkraut Yankees: Pennsylvania-German Foods and Foodways - William Woys Weaver - Google Books
In addition to the 139 delicious recipes-roast suckling pig to cherry bounced & mulled wine--Weaver paints an invaluable portrait of the Pennsylvania Germans as a people. He focuses on the period of 1830-70, when traditional Pennsylvania-German cookery…
Institut für Marktangebote und Konsumentscheidungen | FHNW
Digitalisierung, Individualisierung und sich verändernde Ansprüche der Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten stellen Unternehmen vor neue Herausforderungen.
Food and Foodways of Medieval Cairenes: Aspects of Life in an Islamic ... - Paulina Lewicka - Google Books
This is a pioneering study which analyzes the food cultures of medieval Cairenes on the basis of a large corpus of historical texts in Arabic. Individual chapters discuss what, why, and how the inhabitants of medieval Cairo ate what they did, and in which…
Food Culture in Great Britain - Laura Mason - Google Books
Students, Anglophiles, and literature hounds will want to delve into this delightful survey of foodways of a culture both ancient and cutting edge. Only in recent years have modern kitchen conveniences become taken for granted all over Britain. British…
Food Culture in Colonial Asia: A Taste of Empire - Cecilia Leong-Salobir - Google Books
Presenting a social history of colonial food practices in India, Malaysia and Singapore, this book discusses the contribution that Asian domestic servants made towards the development of this cuisine between 1858 and 1963. Domestic cookbooks, household…
- - Ihr Anglophone Shop
Food, Text and Culture in the Anglophone Caribbean (eBook, PDF), Womanhood in Anglophone Literary Culture als eBook Download von Robin Hammerman, Critical and Socialist Realism in Anglophone Cameroonian Poetry als Buch von Andrew Ngeh, Cost Accounting…
The Oxford Handbook of Food History - Google Books
The historical study of food, culture, and society has become established within the academy based on a generation of high-quality scholarship. Following the foundational work of the French Annales school, the International Committee for the Research into…
- - Ihr Columbian Shop
Columbian Adjustable Table and Desk Co als Buch von Columbian Adjustable Table and Desk Co, Columbian Cuisine, Carrie Shuman, World´s Columbian Exposition, 1893, Vol. 10 als Buch von Columbian Exposition World´s, Ringershirt Pablo Escobar pres.…