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Gaubamohan27 Ergebnisse für: gajamohan
Robot Musician - YouTube
The Toyota's Robot in Nagoya. Robot mouth's makes a blow, also, the creators needed to sincronice the movements of the fingers with the blow in order to achi...
A Robots Symphony - YouTube
Four robots created by Toyota, preform a live concert in Japan front of a live audience.
The Robot Dragonfly - YouTube
Dragonfly Program has begun, be the first to support the development initiative. Dream of a palm-sized robot that can fly like a bird and hover like a helico...
IDSIA Robotics Lab - YouTube
Presentation of the IDSIA Robotics Lab for the EU Robotics Week 2011. IDSIA (Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale - http://www.idsia.c...
3D video with "pulfrich effect" - YouTube
if you want too see 3D effects you only need a pair of sunglasses, tilt them diagonally or pull one of the glasses out of the frame. cover one eye with one g...
Space Shuttle Thermal Tile Demonstration - YouTube
Recorded this video during my KSC tour 1 day before the launch of the Atlantis Space Shuttle for STS-135, the last Space Shuttle mission. ==Updated June 3, 2...
Autonomous Christmas Lab 2014 - YouTube
Christmas Video from the Autonomous Systems Lab, ETH Zurich, 2014. Starring Robots: StarlETH - CRAB - h...
E Ink shows off its new product - YouTube
Cambridge-based E Ink shows off its new product. Could it mean newspapers can finally be saved?
ONE | Self Balancing, One Wheel, Electric Transporter - YouTube
Click the link now for details:
how wings work? Smoke streamlines around an airfoil - YouTube
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, multimedia video from Physics Education, 2003, by Holger Babinsky.