6 Ergebnisse für: gendercide
Androzid - Google-Suche
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Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction - Adam Jones - Google Books
Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction is the most wide-ranging textbook on genocide yet published. The book is designed as a text for upper-undergraduate and graduate students, as well as a primer for non-specialists and general readers interested in…
Female Génocidaires: What was the Nature and Motivations for Hutu Female ... - Leila Fielding - Google Books
Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation from the year 2012 in the subject History - Africa, grade: First, Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, language: English, abstract: Victimisation of women in times of war, genocide or mass slaughter has been…
Men and Masculinities: A-J - Professor Department of Sociology Michael S Kimmel, Amy B. Aronson - Google Books
The process of "making masculinity visible" has been going on for over two decades and has produced a prodigious and interesting body of work. But until now the subject has had no authoritative reference source. Men & Masculinities, a pioneering two-volume…
Auch Väter haben Sorgen
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Männerkongress in Düsseldorf: Tabubrecher unter sich - taz.de
Der zweite Männerkongress der Uni Düsseldorf trägt den Titel „Scheiden tut weh“. Mitveranstalter ist der antifeministische Verein Agens.