165 Ergebnisse für: genji
AnT: Genji Monogatari
Anime no Tomodachi: Genji Monogatari
Category:The Tale of Genji – Wikimedia Commons
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Appraising Genji: Literary Criticism and Cultural Anxiety in the Age of the ... - Patrick W. Caddeau - Google Books
Considered by many to be the world s first novel, The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu is a masterpiece of narrative fiction rich in plot, character development, and compositional detail. The tale, written by a woman in service to Japan s imperial court…
Murasaki Shikibu: The Tale of Genji - Richard Bowring - Google Books
Murasaki Shikibu’s The Tale of Genji, written in Japan in the early eleventh century, is acknowledged to be one of Japan’s greatest literary achievements, and sometimes thought of as the world’s first novel. It is also one of the earliest major works to be…
The Bridge of Dreams: A Poetics of the Tale of Genji - Haruo Shirane - Google Books
The Bridge of Dreams is a brilliant reading of The Tale of Genji that succeeds both as a sophisticated work of literary criticism and as an introduction this world masterpiece. Taking account of current literary theory and a long tradition of Japanese…
Leopold Federmair - 5 Bücher - Perlentaucher
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Envisioning the Tale of Genji: Media, Gender, and Cultural Production - Google Books
Bringing together scholars from across the world, Haruo Shirane presents a fascinating portrait of The Tale of Genji's reception and reproduction over the past thousand years. The essays examine the canonization of the work from the late Heian through the…
DeutschlandRadio Berlin - Lange Nacht - "In meine Tränen mischt sich der Grillen Zirpen"
Als in Europa finsterstes Mittelalter herrschte, schrieb im fernen Japan um die Jahrtausendwende die Hofdame Murasaki Shikibu den ersten großen Roman der Weltliteratur - das Genji-monogatari, die fast 2000 Seiten umfassende Geschichte vom Leben und Lieben…
Dietmar Krug: Mehr Freiheit. Roman - Perlentaucher
Burkhard Van der Waiden, ein deutscher Universitätsdozent, ist mit seiner Familie nach Wien gezogen, um dort die vielleicht letzte Chance zu nutzen, einen Lehrstuhl zu...
Utagawa Kunisada I. - Zeno.org
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