55 Ergebnisse für: gitanu
G.Nausėda: pigesnės elektros už pagamintą AE žmonija kol kas nesugalvojo - DELFI Verslas
DELFI - Interviu su SEB banko prezidento patarėju Gitanu Nausėda.
Kinowelt East Berlin - YouTube
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Querweltein Unterwegs - Saysa Morn School opening in Cambodia - YouTube
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Malaysian Alumni of Ireland: Dato Albert Talalla - YouTube
Former Malaysian Ambassador to the United States, Dato Albert Talalla, has had a long and successful career in Malaysia's diplomatic service. He studied Hist...
Jurgis Savickis su žmona Inge (1939) - YouTube
Lietuvos Respublikos diplomatas ir rašytojas Jurgis Savickis antrąja žmona Inge Geisler Kaune ir Paryžiuje 1939 m. Filmavo Petras Klimas. Lithuanian diplomat...
Frieder Weiss Interview - YouTube
PhD research on Interactive Scenography
Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas prezidents Ojārs Spārītis par ViA Forumu 2016 - YouTube
Tiekamies 13. maijā Valmierā, forumā “Latvijas tautsaimniecība. Ko mums māca pagātne un kādu saredzam tās nākotni”!
Dakota38 - YouTube
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2014 CETA Conference-Dr. Andreas Ziegler-CETA's benefits for Europe and the public discussion - YouTube
The 2014 Conference on the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) was held at McGill University, Faculty of Law, on October ...
Helle Vrønning Dam - YouTube
On the need for international cooperation in TS doctoral programs, from the perspective of the program at Aarhus in Denmark.