176 Ergebnisse für: glenda
Glenda Jackson - Munzinger Biographie
Biographie: Jackson, Glenda; britische Schauspielerin und Politikerin; Labour Party; MP
OFDb - 5 Seasons (2015)
Von Olaf Ittenbach. Mit Isabelle Ahring, Markus Hettich, Tomas Da Prato, Glenda Gravez, Marc Gruss und Julia Streich.
Glenda Jackson - Infos und Filme
Glenda Jackson stammt aus einfachen Verhältnissen: Ihr Vater war Maurer. Mit 16 verließ sie die Schule, schloss sich einer Amateurschauspielgruppe an und hiel...
Glen or Glenda - Schnittbericht: US-DVD/dt. DVD (Schnittberichte.com)
Schnittbericht mit Bildern: US-DVD/dt. DVD vs australische DVD von Glen or Glenda (1953) ▻ Mehr als 12.000 weitere Schnittberichte zu Filmen & Spielen
OFDb - Geheimnis der Inkas, Das (1954)
Von Jerry Hopper. Mit Charlton Heston, Robert Young, Nicole Maurey, Thomas Mitchell, Glenda Farrell und Michael Pate.
Zweitausendeins. Filmlexikon FILME von A-Z - Glen or Glenda
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Sibelius: A Composer's Life and the Awakening of Finland - Glenda Dawn Goss - Google Books
One of the twentieth century’s greatest composers, Jean Sibelius (1865–1957) virtually stopped writing music during the last thirty years of his life. Recasting his mysterious musical silence and his undeniably influential life against the backdrop of…
Encyclopedia of Modern Jewish Culture - Google Books
The Encyclopedia of Modern Jewish Culture is an extensively updated revision of the very successful Companion to Jewish Culture published in 1989 and has now been updated throughout. Experts from all over the world contribute entries ranging from 200 to…
Sibelius: A Composer's Life and the Awakening of Finland - Glenda Dawn Goss - Google Books
One of the twentieth century’s greatest composers, Jean Sibelius (1865–1957) virtually stopped writing music during the last thirty years of his life. Recasting his mysterious musical silence and his undeniably influential life against the backdrop of…
An Autobiography of British Cinema: As Told by the Filmmakers and Actors who ... - Google Books
This volume of first-hand reminiscences, celebrating 50 years of British filmmaking, records the Golden Age of British Cinema as remembered by 180 great and best-loved names of the British cinema, including Lindsay Anderson, Dirk Bogarde, Julie Christie,…