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Government1,012 Ergebnisse für: governments
Modern Governments - N. Jayapalan - Google Books
Modern Governments Are Of Great Import-Ance In The Present World And Cover A Vast Area. This Book Deals With The Theory, Principles And Classification Of Constitutions In A Very Simple Manner. This Study Also Covers The Constitutions Of The United Kingdom,…
- - Ihr Robison Shop
Proofs or a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe als Buch von John Robison, So You Have This Opportunity als eBook Download von Dr. Bob Robison, Step Back in Time als eBook Download von Paula Barnes, Mary Ellen Robison, Chris…
Startseite - E-Government -
Hier finden Sie Themen, Ansprechpartner, Basiskomponenten und zentrale Dienste des E-Governments des Freistaates Sachsen.
California's Legislature Wants to Copyright All Government Works | Electronic Frontier Foundation
AB 2880 will give state and local governments dramatic powers to chill speech, stifle open government, and harm the public domain. The California Assembly Committee on Judiciary recently approved a bill (AB 2880) to grant local and state governments…
Coalition Governments in Western Europe - Google Books
Coalition Governments in Western Europe is the most comprehensive empirical analysis to date of coalition politics. Based on a large cross-national data collection, covering the entire post-war period from 1945 to 1999, it is the first systematic study of…
The Labour Governments 1964-1970 - Google Books
Peter Dorey here presents the most comprehensive, in-depth and original book of the 1964-1970 labour governments published to date. This unique account examines a wide range of political issues and makes extensive use of primary sources recently released…
European Travellers in India: During the Fifteenth, Sixteenth and ... - Edward Farley Oaten - Google Books
The Evidence Afforded By Them With Respect To Indian Social Institutions And The Nature And Influence Of Indian Governments.
Golden Dawn party infiltrates Greece's police, claims senior officer [Guardian] - YouTube A senior police officer claims successive governments in Greece allowed the ultra-nationalist Golden Dawn party to infiltrate ...
ESET and Facebook Partner to Combat Malware | Facebook
Glancing through headlines in recent months reveals that malware continues to be a persistent problem for governments, companies, and individuals. With th
Still Broken
Durch Steuertricks und Gewinnverschiebungen international tätiger US-Konzerne entgehen den G20-Staaten jährlich Milliarden-Dollar-Beträge. Das geht aus dem Bericht „Still Broken“ hervor, den Oxfam gemeinsam mit dem Tax Justice Network, der Global Alliance…