38 Ergebnisse für: groups_
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UZH - Institute of Mathematics - Publikationen
UZH - Institute of Mathematics - People
key1|id|person|concat(vorname_kurz,' ',name)
Goethe-Universität — Proendliche Gruppen SS 2016
Die Goethe-Universität ist eine forschungsstarke Hochschule in der europäischen Finanzmetropole Frankfurt. Lebendig, urban und weltoffen besitzt sie als Stiftungsuniversität ein einzigartiges Maß an Eigenständigkeit.
The German Immigrant Press in Milwaukee - Carl Heinz Knoche - Google Books
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
The Chemistry of Organomagnesium Compounds - Google Books
Magnesium remains almost unique among the metals in its ability to react directly with a wide variety of compounds. This organic chemistry field has seen steady progress, and a volume on this topic is long overdue. In the tradition of the Patai Series…
Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups - Stephan Thernstrom - Google Books
From Acadians to Zoroastrians-Asians, American Indians, East Indians, West Indians, Europeans, Latin Americans, Afro-Americans, and Mexican Americans--the Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups provides the first comprehensive and systematic review…
The Chemistry of Organomagnesium Compounds - Google Books
Magnesium remains almost unique among the metals in its ability to react directly with a wide variety of compounds. This organic chemistry field has seen steady progress, and a volume on this topic is long overdue. In the tradition of the Patai Series…
straight-to-video - Lexikon der Filmbegriffe
Das Sachlexikon des Films mit über 8500 Beiträgen von 150 Autoren