16 Ergebnisse für: halosar
Berliner Schachverband :: Berliner Meisterschaft 1940
Berliner Schachverband e.V. - Aktuelle Informationen zu Schachturnieren in Berlin und zum Verbandsleben und viele historische Daten
Berliner Schachverband :: Berliner Meisterschaft 1941
Berliner Schachverband e.V. - Aktuelle Informationen zu Schachturnieren in Berlin und zum Verbandsleben und viele historische Daten
Chess Lesson: King's Indian Attack - YouTube
http://www.jrobichess.com http://www.twitter.com/jrobichess Visit my personal web site http://www.jrobichess.com for a variety of free chess resources and tr...
Chess Openings: Fried Liver Attack - YouTube
The fried liver attack is a super aggressive opening that derives from the two knights defense in the italian game. White looks to sacrifice his knight on f7...
Zinar, Chervoni Girnik 1977, 2nd/3rd prize (bad audio) - YouTube
This time we'll have a look at a nice study by Mikhail Afanasjevich Zinar, or - as he is often called - the wizard of pawn endgames. White wins six different...
A Shocking Game Played By A 5 Year Old Chess Prodigy Jutta Hempel - YouTube
K Dietrich vs Jutta Hempel Exhibition (1966), Flensburg, Germany, Aug-05 Italian Game: Two Knights Defense. Traxler Counterattack King March line (C57) 1. e4...
The Secret 🤐 Way to Win at Chess: The Kopec System (Anti-Sicilian) - YouTube
Become the master of a new secret weapon against booked-up Sicilian Defense players: the Kopec System. Get all the secrets of this powerful chess opening sys...
Publikationen — Germanistik Bonn
Stand: 11. 2017