214 Ergebnisse für: housed

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    Ancient 64 Yogini Temple in Mitawali near Gwalior. The niches are now with some linga but probably they were housed with 64 Yoginis sculptures, one tutelar d...

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    Item no. 1738 in Two centuries of French drama, 1760-1960, a collection of 2,014 French dramas housed in the Department of Special Collections, University of Florida Libraries.

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    ⓒ Calicot Productions For a hundred years, the Casino Zane, built between 1695 and 1697 in the San Stin district not far from the Basilica dei Frari, housed ...

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    Mevlana Museum: The museum is housed in the first tekke (lodge) of the Dervish sect, and is considered to be a holy place because it contains the tomb of Mev...

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    Americana Schal, Eddie Bauer T-Shirt Americana T-Shirt - Burnout, blau, Jeansjacke ´AMERICANA´, Angin HEEL SD Tabletten, 50 St, Lederjacke ´Americana´,

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    Revising her classic 1989 book Harps and Harpists, Roslyn Rensch expands her authoritative history of this timeless instrument. This lavishly illustrated edition, with 137 black-and-white images and 24 color plates, surveys the progress of the harp from…

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    Revising her classic 1989 book Harps and Harpists, Roslyn Rensch expands her authoritative history of this timeless instrument. This lavishly illustrated edition, with 137 black-and-white images and 24 color plates, surveys the progress of the harp from…

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