3,575 Ergebnisse für: humanities
Digital Humanities - Zeitgeschichte und Digital Humanities
Zeitgeschichte und Digital Humanities
Digital Humanities - Zeitgeschichte und Digital Humanities
Zeitgeschichte und Digital Humanities
DARIAH-DE - Projekte - OKF
Support for digitally-enabled arts and humanities
Antarctica.co.de - Ihr Antarctica Shop
Jack Wolfskin ANTARCTICA DOME - Kuppelzelt - Gr. ONESIZE - rot / PEAK RED - Winterzelt - für 3 Personen, Handgefertigter Teppich Antarctica in Schwarz, Antarctica and the Humanities als eBook Download von, Peak Performance Army - Kapuzenjacke für Herren…
University of Cologne | Faculty of Humanities | Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology | Home
University of Cologne | Faculty of Humanities | Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology | Home
Digital Humanities - Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
Die Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (SAGW) vereinigt als Dachorganisation 61 wissenschaftliche Fachgesellschaften. Sei es in der Literatur oder der Theologie, in den Kommunikations- oder den politischen Wissenschaften, ihre…
University of Cologne | Faculty of Humanities | Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology | Prof. Dr. Michael Bollig
University of Cologne | Faculty of Humanities | Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology | Prof. Dr. Michael Bollig
University of Cologne | Faculty of Humanities | Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology | Prof. Dr. Martin Rössler
University of Cologne | Faculty of Humanities | Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology | Prof. Dr. Martin Rössler
University of Cologne | Faculty of Humanities | Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology | Prof. Dr. Kurt Tauchmann
University of Cologne | Faculty of Humanities | Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology | Prof. Dr. Kurt Tauchmann
Matthias Bormuth | frommann-holzboog
The frommann-holzboog publishing company is an academic publisher specializing in philosophy, the Humanities and psychoanalysis.