121 Ergebnisse für: hutchings

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    Eine kurze Geschichte des Weltraumflugs

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    She, a Chinese ein Film von Xiaolu Guo mit Lu Huang, Geoffrey Hutchings. Inhaltsangabe: Die junge Chinesin Li Mei (Lu Huang) wächst in einem kleinen Dorf am Rande einer Industrielandschaft auf. Die Jugend ist trostlos und sie träumt vom Ausbruch aus ihrem…

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    Flexible Hypermedia-Systeme in der computerunterstutzten Aus- und Weiterbildung als eBook Download von, Beyond Hypertext als eBook Download von Hoffmann Peter, Elements of Hypermedia Design: Techniques for Navigation & Visualization in Cyberspace als…

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    Terence Fisher is best known as the director who made most of the classic Hammer horrors - including The Curse of Frankenstein, Dracula and The Devil Rides Out. But there is more to Terence Fisher than Hammer horror. In a busy twenty-five year career, he…

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    Terence Fisher is best known as the director who made most of the classic Hammer horrors - including The Curse of Frankenstein, Dracula and The Devil Rides Out. But there is more to Terence Fisher than Hammer horror. In a busy twenty-five year career, he…

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    Ein Besuch im Hamburger Proberaum der neunköpfigen Krautrock-Truppe zeigt eine gar nicht mal so ungewöhnliche Rockband.

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    Horror is one of the most enduring and controversial of all cinematic genres. Horror films range from the subtle and the poetic to the graphic and the gory but what links them all is their ability to frighten, disturb, shock, provoke, delight, irritate,…

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    Tribology: Friction and Wear of Engineering Materials, Second Edition covers the fundamentals of tribology and the tribological response of all classes of materials, including metals, ceramics, and polymers. This fully updated and expanded book maintains…

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