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Istposition103 Ergebnisse für: imposition
Holy Mass with the imposition of the Pallium - YouTube
Starts at 9:25 am. Pope Francis presides over the Holy Mass with the imposition of the Pallium on the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul.
AMA - a short film by Julie Gautier - YouTube
JULIE: "Ama is a silent film. It tells a story everyone can interpret in their own way, based on their own experience. There is no imposition, only suggestio...
princess caraboo - Google-Suche
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The Agony of Algeria - Martin Stone - Google Books
Rioting in Algiers in 1988 brought to international attention the widespread dissatisfaction with FLN rule. Despite enormous oil revenues, Algeria's economic performance since independence has been dismal, and this, combined with the FLN's imposition of a…
The Politics of Expertise in Latin America - Centrum voor Studie en Documentatie van Latijns Amerika (Amsterdam, Netherlands) - Google Books
The ascendancy of technocratic personnel and their imposition of neo-liberal economic policies have come to define Latin American politics in the 1980s and 1990s. This book is the first comparative analysis of these events and their implications for the…
Mos maiorum - Bernhard Linke - Google Books
Eight papers from an interdisciplinary forum held at Dresden on change and stability in the relationship between the State and the individual during the Roman Republic. The heavily annotated papers focus on the changeable connection between social classes,…
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Große Unterschiede bei Unternehmenssteuersätzen machen mehr Steuertransparenz notwendig | Greens/EFA
Besonders multinationale Konzerne profitieren überdurchschnittlich von Steuerprivilegien und Steuerschlupflöchern in der Europäischen Union. Das ist das Ergebnis der neuen Studie “Effective Tax Rates of Multinational Enterprises in the EU“ im Auftrag der…
Große Unterschiede bei Unternehmenssteuersätzen machen mehr Steuertransparenz notwendig | Greens/EFA
Besonders multinationale Konzerne profitieren überdurchschnittlich von Steuerprivilegien und Steuerschlupflöchern in der Europäischen Union. Das ist das Ergebnis der neuen Studie “Effective Tax Rates of Multinational Enterprises in the EU“ im Auftrag der…
Puerto Rico and the Death Penalty
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