22 Ergebnisse für: iraqs
Iraqi Foreign Policy Since Revolution - Mahboob Alam - Google Books
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Diplomatendepeschen: USA sollen syrische Opposition finanziert haben - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Das US-Außenministerium hat laut "Washington Post" Gegner von Syriens Präsidenten Assad mit Millionensummen unterstützt. Ein TV-Sender soll davon besonders profitiert haben, berichtet die Zeitung unter Berufung auf Diplomatendepeschen, die WikiLeaks…
neo-taliban - Google-Suche
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Iraqi Federalism and the Kurds: Learning to Live Together - Dr Alex Danilovich - Google Books
Iraq today faces a whole gamut of problems associated with post-war recovery and state-rebuilding compounded by age old mistrust and suspicion. The situation in Iraq resembles a huge experiment in which social scientists can observe the consequences of…
Category:Ba'athism – Wikimedia Commons
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Category:Richard Darman – Wikimedia Commons
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Kurdistan in Iraq: The Evolution of a Quasi-State - Aram Rafaat - Google Books
The Kurdish-Iraqi conflict lies in the fact that Kurdistan is a nation-without-a-state and Iraq is a non-nation state, each possessing a nationhood project differing from and opposing the other. Iraqi-Kurdistan is an outward looking entity seeking external…
Category:History of Syria – Wikimedia Commons
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The Middle East in the World Economy, 1800-1914 - Edward Roger John Owen, Roger Owen - Google Books
Examines the growth and transformation of the Middle East economy during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The text looks at how the region's economic structures were fundamentally altered by the growing impact of European trade and finance, and by the…
Category:History of Iraq – Wikimedia Commons
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