18 Ergebnisse für: jhaptal
Raga Jog | Ritwik Sanyal | Dhrupad | Shloka | Live in Concert I Jalsa Purulia | West Bengal - YouTube
Dhrupad Pt Ritwik Sanyal Live in Concert at Jalsa Purulia Rag Jog (Part1) Accompanied by Sri Tapas Das (Pakhawaj),For more information about him visit: www.d...
Ustad Ahmedjan Thirakwa Tabla Solo Teental 1961 - YouTube
Ustad Ahmedjan Thirakwa Tabla Solo Teental 1961
Ektare The musical instrument of Nepal - YouTube
http://u-r.jp/ Ektare The musical instrument of Nepal. This musical instrument has one bowstring, and when striking by hand, a scale is changed like the talk...
Pandit Vikash Maharaj Raag- YAMAN - YouTube
Maharaj Trio performance live in Germany. Raag- YAMAN Taal- Teen Taal Pandit Vikash Maharaj - Sarod Abhishek Maharaj - Sitar Prabhash Maharaj - Tabla
Shruti Demo on Sarod - Part 3 - Komal Rishabh - YouTube
Shrutis of komal Rishabh - Dr. Praful Kelkar
Ustad Habib Khan and Ustad Ahmedjan Thirakwa 1937 - YouTube
Ustad Habib Khan (Vicitra Veena) and Ustad Ahmedjan Thirakwa (Tabla)
LecDem-1: Gamaka Options - Mayamalavagoula - YouTube
A musical phrase can be played in many ways on the Veena - Same swaras - different interpretations. How differently can we play Sa Ri Ga Ma Pa? This is a Lec...
Taus Solo - Ustad Amandeep Singh Jee & Ustad Raghbir Singh Jee - YouTube
Video 2 of 3: Dhun / Light Classical; Ustad Amandeep Singh Jee (Taus) and Tabla Vadhik Ustad Raghbir Singh performed a special duet here in New Jersey on Jan...
Sahba Motallebi - Setar Improvisation صهبا مطلبی - YouTube
Sahba's Music is now available on iTunes, Amazon and other major online music stores. http://www.apple.com/itunes/affiliates/download/?artistName=Sahba%20Mot...