62 Ergebnisse für: judaeo
Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti
Corpus Judaeo Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti, Philo, Josephus, Septuaginta, judische Literatur, Judentum, Septuaginta, cjh, Neues Testament
Benjamin Harnwell / Dignitatis Humanae Institute (@ben_harnwell) | Twitter
Die neuesten Tweets von Benjamin Harnwell / Dignitatis Humanae Institute (@ben_harnwell). Promoting human dignity based on the recognition that Man is made in the image and likeness of God — the anthropological foundation of the Judaeo-Christian West.…
Geschichte des Corpus Hellenisticum
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Theologische Fakultät
MDZ-Reader | Band | Conformitas Judaeo-papistica in loco de Scriptura Sacra / Geier, Martin | Conformitas Judaeo-papistica in loco de Scriptura Sacra / Geier, Martin
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Jewish Life in Arabic Language and Jerusalem Arabic in Communal Perspective ... - Moshe Piamenta - Google Books
This volume deals with Judaeo-Jerusalem Arabic affected by Jewish socio-religious life, its interrelatedness with non-Jewish Jerusalem Arabic, and its erosion by youths through replacement by Hebrew. The socio-religious life of the Jewish community is…
The Jews of Islam - Bernard Lewis - Google Books
Probing the Muslims' attitude toward Judaism as a special case of their view of other religious minorities in Islamic countries, Bernard Lewis demolishes two competing stereotypes: the fanatical warrior, sword in one hand and Qur' an in the other, and the…
Philosophie et exégèse dans le Jardin de la méthaphore [sic] de Moïse Ibn ... - Paul Fenton - Google Books
This volume deals with the philosophical and exegetical doctrines of one of the greatest figures of the Golden Age of Spain - Moses Ibn 'Ezra, as they appear in his "Garden of the Metaphor" ("Maq?lat al-?ad?qa"). The latter, a study of man in his spiritual…
The Jews of Islam: Updated Edition - Bernard Lewis - Google Books
This landmark book probes Muslims' attitudes toward Jews and Judaism as a special case of their view of other religious minorities in predominantly Muslim societies. With authority, sympathy and wit, Bernard Lewis demolishes two competing stereotypes: the…
Philippus van Limborch - Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Judaica et Hellenistica - Martin Hengel - Google Books
English summary: Um diese Lebensphase zu erhellen, ziehen die Autoren in bewundernswerter Detailarbeit eine Fulle von unterschiedlichen Quellen heran und werten diese kritisch aus. Uberhaupt lasst sich sagen, dass hier das Herz der Verfasser schlagt. Sie…