22 Ergebnisse für: khoikhoi
Category:Saartjie Baartman – Wikimedia Commons
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Category:Indigenous peoples – Wikimedia Commons
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Clash of Cultures - Brian M. Fagan - Google Books
Clash of Cultures, Second Edition, is a captivating exploration of the Age of Discovery, when Western civilization first came into contact - and conflict - with all the other peoples of the world. Internationally known archeologist Brian Fagan draws on…
Naamkunde-Bronnegids - P. E. Raper, Petrus Johannes Nienaber - Google Books
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Category:Ethnic groups in Namibia – Wikimedia Commons
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
"klicklaute" khoisan - Google-Suche
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Ideology on a Frontier: The Theological Foundation of Afrikaner Nationalism ... - J. Alton Templin - Google Books
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African Placenames: Origins and Meanings of the Names for Natural Features ... - Adrian Room - Google Books
In this extensively revised and enlarged edition of a work first published in 1994, many of the entries have been expanded or entirely rewritten, and the entries have increased in number from 2,000 to more than 2,500. Each placename's entry identifies the…
Category:Ethnic groups in South Africa – Wikimedia Commons
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Südafrika Tour - Harrismith in der Provinz Free State / Südafrika
Der kleine Ort ist am FuÃe des Platberg gelegen und wurde 1849 am Ufer des Wilge River gegründet. Es wurde nach Sir Harry Smith benannt, ein damaliger Gouverneur der Kapkolonie.