6 Ergebnisse für: laydown
Laydown Delivery of a B43 Nuclear Bomb - YouTube
The B43 was a United States air-dropped variable yield nuclear weapon used by a wide variety of fighter bomber and bomber aircraft. The B43 was developed fro...
Loughnashade Trumpet Hidden Heritage - Series 4 2010 (Northern Ireland Environment Agency - NIEA) - YouTube
Brian Black explore Loughshade with Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) Archaeologist Lorraine Bourke and learns more about 4 horns recovered from the...
The Carnyx: The Mouthpiece of the Gods - John Kenny - YouTube
In 1993 John Kenny became the first person in 2000 years to play the carnyx, a Celtic war horn and much more. His instrument, a faithful reconstruction of a ...
B-52G Weapons Review Part VI - YouTube
This next series on the B-52Gs Arsenal were taken from a collection of videos when I was assigned to the 49th Test Squadron from 1991-1997. Many of these vid...
Wolf | Wolf Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Der Wolf (Canis lupus) ist das größte Raubtier aus der Familie der Hunde (Canidae). Wölfe leben in der Regel in Familienverbänden, umgangssprachlich Rudel genannt. Hauptbeute sind in den meisten Regionen mittelgroße bis große Huftiere. Die Art war seit dem…
Atomwaffen-Modernisierung in Europa - Das Projekt B61-12
Otfried Nassauer, Kernwaffen und Kernenergie – Siamesische Zwillinge oder doppelte Null-Lösung?