29 Ergebnisse für: lrip
Lockheed Martin FGM-172 SRAW
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Have Guns, Will Upgrade: The M109A7 Paladin PIM Self-Propelled Howitzer
The USA's 155mm M109 self-propelled howitzers (SPH) were first introduced in 1962, as a form of armored mobile artillery that could stand up to the massed fire tactics of Soviet heavy artillery and rockets. They and their companion M992
Rare look at Boeing’s new P-8A Poseidon production line (Updated+)
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F-35 Soars Over Italy, First Time Outside the US
The first F-35 flight outside the US took place on Monday at Italy’s Cameri Air Base, where Italy’s Joint Strike Fighters are being assembled.
ethernet in aerospace embedded systems - Google-Suche
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Radar Refits: F-15s Looking for the AESA Edge
Most F-15C Eagle air superiority fighters use APG-63 radars, passive arrays mounted on a movable swashplate. While upgrades over the years have improved them, a new generation of radar technologies has appeared. With cruise missile defense rising in
Raytheon/Lockheed Martin FGM-148 Javelin
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"Power on" bei der ersten Boeing 777-9 - FLUG REVUE
Boeing hat die Elektrik der ersten fliegenden Boeing 777-9 eingeschaltet. Der größte Zweistrahler der Welt soll 2019 zum Erstflug starten und schon ab 2020, nach der Zulassung, ausgeliefert werden.
Wörterbuchnetz - Rheinisches Wörterbuch
Wörterbuch, Suche in mehr als 20 Wörterbüchern gleichzeitig, Bedeutung, Etymologie, Worterklärung