1,236 Ergebnisse für: maintain
Hilfe:VisualEditor/!maintain/intlist – Wikipedia
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Flyway | Technology Radar | ThoughtWorks
This Technology Radar quadrant explores the tools software developers use to create, debug, maintain, and support applications
Simulated Laser Via Copper Feature Drilling - YouTube
film 50um copper, 1ns pulse width, 5uJ @ 500MHz, 25pulses Short pulse separations help to maintain high vapor pressure for efficient drilling, note the conti...
I'm Andreas, a freelance web developer and musician in Berlin. I create and maintain websites and write about web development on Medium and Twitter.
Do bonobos have more sex than chimpanzees? - YouTube
Several researchers have tried to maintain that the copulation rate of bonobos and chimpanzees is about the same. Um, no it isn't. For more visit www.bonoboh...
First sustained flight of a human-powered hydrofoil, Flying Fish 1 - YouTube
The first human-powered hydrofoil to maintain flight was the "Flying Fish" that flew for several minutes on July 6, 1983 on Puddingstone Reservoir near Los A...
Marie Wallace: The ethics of collecting data - YouTube
One big ethical question looms over all the excitement about the potential of big data: how do we maintain privacy while gleaning insight from all of this co...
Azure PowerShell – Cross-platform “Az” module replacing “AzureRM” | Blog | Microsoft Azure
There is a new Azure PowerShell module, built to harness the power of PowerShell Core and Cloud Shell, and maintain compatibility with PowerShell 5.1. Its name is Az.
Hungarian-British Diplomacy, 1938-1941: The Attempt to Maintain Relations - András Bán, Andras Ban - Google Books
This book deals with the relationship between Britain and Hungary during the crucial years 1938-1941. In addition to archival research in London and Budapest, mostly about the relations of the governments, Bán's work broadens into political, social,…