440 Ergebnisse für: mating

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    übereinstimmende Paarung, assortative Paarung, sortengleiche Paarung, Paarungssiebung, assortative mating, die auf dem Phänotyp (die äuß…

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    Chaetopelma altugkadirorum mating © Guy Tansley 2012 Websites: http://bugsnstuff.com / http://giantspiders.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bugsnstuff ...

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    http://www.facebook.com/RockNRollMusicRadio Giant Squid - Cenotes (2011) 01. Tongue Stones (Megaptera Megachasmacarcharias) 02. Mating Scars (Isurus Metridiu...

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    Courtship display and mating in Maratus tasmanicus, a species that lives in Tasmania and southern Victoria. Music by Delicate Beats, Olive Musique and Emmett...

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    MAT-Locus m [von latein. locus = Ort], Abk. für mating type Locus, bei Hefe Bezeichnung für den Genort, dessen aktueller Zustand auch den für…

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    Some people believe that elongated skulls found in archaeological sites in Peru are evidence of aliens having once been in the area and possibly mating with ...

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    Dt. Wolfsite: Lebensweise, Verhalten, Ernährung, Welpen, Jagd, Märchen u. Lügen ueber Wölfe usw. (German page about wolves, live, behavior, mating, hunting, pups, lies and fairy tales, etc.)

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    New year, New stuffs, New breedings! Edit: Music: Hotel California - Eagles

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    Statoil and partner Masdar proudly presents: The world’s first floating wind farm - currently being assembled outside the west coast of Norway. This is the o...

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    Follow me on twitter: aunry_91 I think my pigeon is doing its mating call, trying to impress the female. It tries to stand straight and open its tail feather...

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