86 Ergebnisse für: mcandrew
Ian McAndrew
Ian McAndrew - Mounties Wanderers, Central Coast Mariners, Central Coast Lightning
OFDb - Bat People - Die Blutsauger (1974)
Von Jerry Jameson. Mit Stewart Moss, Marianne McAndrew, Michael Pataki, Paul Carr, Arthur Space und Robert Berk.
Ewan McAndrew auf Twitter: "Excitingly Wikidata has a NEW property for IIIF manifest url as of this week. (a JSON-LD formatted document URL ref described by IIIF Presentation API) The Wikidata community has ALREADY added 42,000+ IIIF manifest urls. See some IIIF pics of kisses here: https://t.co/hMgYp9FY2M… https://t.co/aBIt6LzW9b"
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Ewan McAndrew auf Twitter: "With Wikidata you can query the non-politician jobs UK MPs have ever had too. 157 cricketers! #GE2017 Link to query: https://t.co/pDzaUQE2RP… https://t.co/6iRUDynch5"
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Ewan McAndrew auf Twitter: "Made a start on plotting places of residence of accused Scottish witches with manual editing from our workshop participants. #WikiWicca https://t.co/H9Z7eZo6MG… https://t.co/G4F9gup8XN"
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Ewan McAndrew auf Twitter: "Map of places of residence for accused witches with a layer for occupations https://t.co/EBXxoIzsEN Next stop: manner of death, cause of death, temporal data (trial dates), ethnic groups, penalties arising from trials and much much more #OpenData #LinkedData #Wikidata #Witchydata… https://t.co/QyJmUX9AI6"
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Das große Rennen - Ein abgefahrenes Abenteuer Film (2009) · Trailer · Kritik · KINO.de
Das große Rennen - Ein abgefahrenes Abenteuer (The Race): Kinder- & Familienfilm 2009 von Michael Garland/Martin Hagemann mit Tom Collins/Eoin McAndrew/Jonathan Mason. Jetzt im Kino
Ewan McAndrew (@emcandre) | Twitter
Die neuesten Tweets von Ewan McAndrew (@emcandre). Wikimedian in Residence @ University of Edinburgh. English & Media Teaching; Software Development; Libraries; Archives; Film, Travel & Open Knowledge enthusiast. Edinburgh, Scotland
Ewan McAndrew (@emcandre) | Twitter
Die neuesten Tweets von Ewan McAndrew (@emcandre). Wikimedian in Residence @ University of Edinburgh. English & Media Teaching; Software Development; Libraries; Archives; Film, Travel & Open Knowledge enthusiast. Edinburgh, Scotland
Ewan McAndrew (@emcandre) | Twitter
Die neuesten Tweets von Ewan McAndrew (@emcandre). Wikimedian in Residence @ University of Edinburgh. English & Media Teaching; Software Development; Libraries; Archives; Film, Travel & Open Knowledge enthusiast. Edinburgh, Scotland