2 Ergebnisse für: metaxia
Petras, Siteia I: A Minoan Palatial Settlement in Eastern Crete.Excavation ... - Metaxia Tsipopoulou - Google Books
This volume is the first of two that represent the final publication of Sector I of the Prepalatial–Postpalatial Minoan urban settlement and palace of Petras, Siteia, located in eastern Crete, and it presents the results of the excavations conducted there…
Urbanism in Antiquity: From Mesopotamia to Crete - Google Books
Papers from a conference held at Lethbridge, Canada, in 1996. Contents include: Spatial perspectives on early urban development in Mesopotamia ( E. B. Banning ); The agricultural base of urbanism in hte early Bronze II-III Levant ( Arlene Miller Rosen );…