243 Ergebnisse für: mifflin

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    ETH-Bibliothek (NEBIS). Sargent, Charles Sprague: The Silva of North America : a description of the trees which grow naturally in North America exclusive of Mexico. Boston ; New York : Houghton, Mifflin and Company ; Cambridge : The Riverside Press,…

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    Biografie von Virginia Lee Burton (1909-1968), US-amerikanische Kinderbuchautorin, Illustratorin und Grafikerin.

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    Paul Theroux's first collection of essays and articles devoted entirely to travel writing, FRESH AIR FIEND touches down on five continents and floats through most seas in between to deliver a literary adventure of the first order, with the incomparable…

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    Superstar chef Laurent Tourondel is redefining bistro food in America with his growing empire of BLT ("Bistro Laurent Tourondel") restaurants. Now, with this exciting cookbook, Tourondel shows you how to prepare his simple yet spectacular food at home.…

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    One of the most dramatic battles of the Civil War, Chancellorsville was Robert E. Lee's masterpiece. Outnumbered two to one, Lee violated a cardinal rule of military strategy by dividing his small army, sending Stonewall Jackson on his famous twelve-mile…

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