9 Ergebnisse für: mishnaic
Category:Mishnaic rabbis – Wikimedia Commons
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Jews, Pagans, and Christians in the Galilee: 25 Years of Archaeological ... - Mordechai Aviam - Google Books
This volume holds 21 chapters arranged in chronological order from the Hellenistic to the Byzantine periods, each of them based on the results of archaeological excavations or field surveys conducted by the author during the past 25 years. It is a summary…
Category:Qumran – Wikimedia Commons
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Category:Ancient art – Wikimedia Commons
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Das hebräische Partizip in den Texten aus der judäischen Wüste - Gregor Geiger - Google Books
The function of the participle within the Hebrew tense system has considerably changed between biblical and postbiblical Hebrew. This investigation studies the participle in the Hebrew manuscripts from the Judaean Desert, its formation, its usage, and its…
Das hebräische Partizip in den Texten aus der judäischen Wüste - Gregor Geiger - Google Books
The function of the participle within the Hebrew tense system has considerably changed between biblical and postbiblical Hebrew. This investigation studies the participle in the Hebrew manuscripts from the Judaean Desert, its formation, its usage, and its…
Das hebräische Partizip in den Texten aus der judäischen Wüste - Gregor Geiger - Google Books
The function of the participle within the Hebrew tense system has considerably changed between biblical and postbiblical Hebrew. This investigation studies the participle in the Hebrew manuscripts from the Judaean Desert, its formation, its usage, and its…
Lexikon :: bibelwissenschaft.de
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Theologische Literaturzeitung, 102 - OpenDigi
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