12 Ergebnisse für: mithen
Giant's Grave Archaeological Project, Islay - YouTube
Professor Steven Mithen from the University of Reading talks about his fieldwork project at the Giant's Grave Prehistoric chambered burial tomb on Islay.
OGND - results/titledata
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After the Ice: A Global Human History, 20,000-5000 BC - Steven Mithen - Google Books
20,000 B.C., the peak of the last ice age--the atmosphere is heavy with dust, deserts, and glaciers span vast regions, and people, if they survive at all, exist in small, mobile groups, facing the threat of extinction. But these people live on the brink of…
After the Ice: A Global Human History, 20,000-5000 BC - Steven Mithen - Google Books
20,000 B.C., the peak of the last ice age--the atmosphere is heavy with dust, deserts, and glaciers span vast regions, and people, if they survive at all, exist in small, mobile groups, facing the threat of extinction. But these people live on the brink of…
Drama and Power in a Hunting Society: The Selk'nam of Tierra Del Fuego - Anne Chapman - Google Books
The Selk'nam people, now virtually extinct, are a classic example of hunting societies. The book is based on the author's field work among the last surviving 'pure' Selk'nam, as well as an exhaustive review of the previous literature.
SWR2 Wissen | SWR2 extra: Die Macht der Musik: Die Schwester der Sprache | Wissen | SWR2 | SWR.de
Wie der Mensch die Musik entdeckte Von Gabor Paal
The Giant's Grave: the excavation - YouTube
Islay Heritage is exploring the appearance of the Neolithic on Islay by studying one of the first Neolithic burial tombs on the island: Slochd Measach, other...
Neues vom wilden Mann | Telepolis
Jubiläumsjahr des Neandertalers geht zu Ende
Verschwurbeltes Hochschuldeutsch: Warum Wissenschaftler ihre Leser quälen - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Sie fürchten ihre Kollegen und flüchten sich in Kauderwelsch: Deutsche Wissenschaftler trauen sich viel zu selten, klar zu schreiben. Oft verklausulieren sie selbst banalste Gedanken. Ein Fehler, meint der Schreibtrainer Markus Reiter - und zeigt, wie es…
KulturPoetik Band 2, Heft 4: Abstracts
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