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Narrating39 Ergebnisse für: narrowing
The Surgical Treatment of Sleep-Related Upper Airway Obstruction (01.04.2011)
Pathological changes to the upper airway can result in narrowing and so-called obstructive sleep-related breathing disorders. In addition to central causes the international classification of sleep disorders (e1) distinguishes between simple snoring...
The rise of the French Legaltech: Bucerius Law School
France is sometimes described or perceived as being averse to change, conservative and negative as regards business innovation.
- - Ihr Asterisk Shop
Asterisk Premium Poster, Vitra Asterisk Wanduhr Ø 25 cm, Asterisk Leinwandbild, P.A.C. Kids Multifunktionstuch Reflector Asterisk, Asterisk Postkartenset,
Publikationen der UdS: Programmanalyse des XRTL Zwischencodes
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Delta Debugging - Lehrstuhl für Softwaretechnik (Prof. Zeller) - Universität des Saarlandes
Software Engineering Chair, Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany.
AnimalBase :: Limax hemmeni species homepage
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AnimalBase :: Vertigo ultimathule species homepage
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"New Seven Wonders of the World" - Google-Suche
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Social Media and Political Accountability: Bridging the Gap between Citizens ... - Andrea Ceron - Google Books
This book illustrates how social media platforms enable us to understand everyday politics and evaluates the extent to which they can foster accountability, transparency and responsiveness. The first part focuses on accountability and tests whether the…
Flugunfall 25 NOV 2014 einer Beechcraft B300 Super King Air 350 RA-02778 - Samara-Kurumoch International Airport (KUF)
A Beechcraft B300 Super King Air 350 cargo plane, registered RA-02778, sustained substantial damage in a landing accident at Samara-Kurumoch International Airport (KUF), Russia. Both crew members survived. The airplane operated on a flight from…