13 Ergebnisse für: nlos

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    In diversen Standards wird neben der Sichtverbindung, Line of Sight (LOS), auch das Übertragungsverhalten bei der Nicht-Sichtverbindung, Non Line of Sight (NLOS), spezifiziert.

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    Artificially structured strongly correlated electron systems als Buch von Andreas Rüegg, Youth Participation als Buch von Reingard Spannring, Paleo climate reconstructions based on ice cores als Buch von David Bolius, Supramolecular Fullerene-Porphyrin…

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    Concerns about cost overruns, vehicle design, and contract structure prompted the Pentagon to cancel the US Army's Future Combat System (FCS) program in June

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    As UAVs proliferate, and the demands of counter-insurgency fights force militaries to look at arming new kinds of aircraft, a number of manufacturers and governments are looking to develop precision-guided "mini-missiles" and glide weapons. Raytheon's

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    The usefulness of over the horizon light precision strike weapons is becoming clear to navies, recently became clear to land forces, and was always clear to air forces. Serbia's Yugoimport has been working on an "Advanced Light Attack System" missile that

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    The USA's 155mm M109 self-propelled howitzers (SPH) were first introduced in 1962, as a form of armored mobile artillery that could stand up to the massed fire tactics of Soviet heavy artillery and rockets. They and their companion M992

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    A recent decision by the Pentagon to cut the Joint Common Missile (JCM) program in order to fund operations in Iraq has triggered a counter-campaign by Alabama Senators and Representatives, and created a controversy over the future of the program. In May…

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