9 Ergebnisse für: ossified
Category:Tendons – Wikimedia Commons
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Amphibian Evolution: The Life of Early Land Vertebrates - Rainer R. Schoch - Google Books
This book focuses on the first vertebrates to conquer land and their long journey to become fully independent from the water. It traces the origin of tetrapod features and tries to explain how and why they transformed into organs that permit life on land.…
Catalogue of the Hunterian Collection in the Museum of the Royal College of ... - Royal College of Surgeons of England. Museum - Google Books
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The Principal forms of the skeleton and of the teeth - Richard Owen - Google Books
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Catalogue of the Hunterian Collection in the Museum of the Royal College of ... - Royal College of Surgeons of England. Museum - Google Books
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Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Vertebrate Animals ... - Richard Owen - Google Books
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Bilbo's Random Thought Collection: Dietrologia
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Perlentaucher: Heute in den Feuilletons - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Die "Welt" spricht mit der russischen Internetpublizistin Maria Stepanowa über ihre unabhängige Plattform "colta.ru". Die "taz" streift in London durch das abgetakelte Szeneviertel Camden Town. Und die meisten Medien kommentieren den Verkauf der…