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"implantat infektion" - Google-Suche
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Kursbuch Sozialmedizin im Deutschen Ärzteverlag, welches das Standardlehrbuch der sozialmedizinischen Weiterbildung - Google-Suche
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The Augustan Aristocracy - Ronald Syme - Google Books
While the monarchy established by Caesar Augustus attracts assiduous study, not enough has been said about the old nobility renascent after years of civil war. One clear reason is the nature of the evidence, most of it sporadic or recondite. To be made…
Beauty Imagined: A History of the Global Beauty Industry - Geoffrey Jones - Google Books
The global beauty business permeates our lives, influencing how we perceive ourselves and what it is to be beautiful. The brands and firms which have shaped this industry, such as Avon, Coty, Estée Lauder, L'Oréal, and Shiseido, have imagined beauty for…
Post-impressionists in England - Google Books
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The Apocryphal New Testament: A Collection of Apocryphal Christian ... - J. K. Elliott - Google Books
This collection of apocryphal texts supersedes the best-selling edition by M. R. James, which was originally published in 1924, and regularly reprinted. Several new texts have come to light since 1924 and the textual base for some of the apocrypha…
A Dictionary of British Place-Names - A. D. Mills - Google Books
Over 15,000 A-Z entries covering England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, make this the most comprehensive and up-to-date dictionary of British place names available. From Abbas Combe to Zennor, it gives the meaning and origin of names of counties, towns,…
The Vikings: A Very Short Introduction - Julian D. Richards - Google Books
The Viking reputation is of bloodthirsty seafaring warriors, repeatedly plundering the British Isles and the North Atlantic throughout the early Middle Ages. Yet Vikings were also traders, settlers, and farmers, with a complex artistic and linguistic…
A Dictionary of British Place-Names - A. D. Mills - Google Books
Over 15,000 A-Z entries covering England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, make this the most comprehensive and up-to-date dictionary of British place names available. From Abbas Combe to Zennor, it gives the meaning and origin of names of counties, towns,…