48 Ergebnisse für: payers
Die atmosphärische Dichte und künstlerische Perfektion von Wieland Payers (*1981) Pastellen und Drucken verweist auf die Kunst der deutschen Romantik.
TI-Deutschland: 2013-04-15_Verschärfung des Straftatbestandes der Abgeordnetenbestechung - Transparency fordert namentliche Abstimmung noch in dieser Legislaturperiode
Home Page of Transparency International Deutschland e.V. We are the German Chapter of the international coalition against corruption in international business transactions and in support of just and honest government.
TI-Deutschland: 2011-09-20 Geheimverhandlungen Deutschland Schweiz
Home Page of Transparency International Deutschland e.V. We are the German Chapter of the international coalition against corruption in international business transactions and in support of just and honest government.
TI-Deutschland: 2013-07-09 GCB 2013
Home Page of Transparency International Deutschland e.V. We are the German Chapter of the international coalition against corruption in international business transactions and in support of just and honest government.
TI-Deutschland: 2013-12-19 500. Unterzeichner
Home Page of Transparency International Deutschland e.V. We are the German Chapter of the international coalition against corruption in international business transactions and in support of just and honest government.
TI-Deutschland: Bestechung von Abgeordneten
Home Page of Transparency International Deutschland e.V. We are the German Chapter of the international coalition against corruption in international business transactions and in support of just and honest government.
Franz Schuselka - Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
TI-Deutschland: Bestechung von Mandatsträgern
Home Page of Transparency International Deutschland e.V. We are the German Chapter of the international coalition against corruption in international business transactions and in support of just and honest government.