45 Ergebnisse für: penetrates
Grounding line retreat - How Antarctic glacier melt from ocean water? - YouTube
ESA animation shows how warm ocean water penetrates the glacier grounding line through basal melt, threatening speed up of glaciers, faster ice discharge. Cr...
Simone de Beauvoir: A Biography - Deirdre Bair - Google Books
This definitive biography is based on five years of interviews with de Beauvoir, and is written with her full cooperation. Bair penetrates the mystique of this brilliant and often paradoxical woman, who has been called one of the great minds of the 20th…
The Beginning Of Paramagnetic Resonance - Kochelaev B I, Yablokov Yurii V - Google Books
The discovery of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance is one of the outstanding events in Physics of the 20th Century. This phenomenon, connected with EPR, penetrates deep into the world of substances and has wide application in various spheres of the human…
AnimalBase :: Vertigo antivertigo species homepage
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In Whom We Live and Move and Have Our Being: Panentheistic Reflections on ... - Google Books
Foreword by Mary Ann MeyersRecent years have seen an explosion of interest in the doctrine of panentheism -- the belief that the world is contained within the Divine, although God is also more than the world. Here for the first time leading scientists and…
ORF-Enterprise - Content
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Forest regeneration and biodiversity at the forest-steppe border of the Altai and Khangai Mountains under contrasting developments of livestock numbers in Kazakhstan and Mongolia" - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Webseiten der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
niacin serotonin level - Google-Suche
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Alberti, Leon Battista: Della architettura di Leon Battista Alberti libri 10, della pittura libri 3 e della statua libro 1 / The architecture of Leon Battista Alberti in ten books, of painting in three books and of statuary in one book (uebers. von Cosimo Bartoli und Giacomo Le (London, 1726) [Cicognara, 378]
Alberti, Leon Battista: Della architettura di Leon Battista Alberti libri 10, della pittura libri 3 e della statua libro 1 / The architecture of Leon Battista Alberti in ten books, of painting in three books and of statuary in one book (uebers. von Cosimo…
"Sonic. An American Prayer." - Google-Suche
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