3 Ergebnisse für: perfuming
MUGLER ® Offizielle Online Parfümerie ⋅ Parfums ⋅ Mode
MUGLER Online-Parfümerie ⋅ Parfum ⋅ Damendüfte (ANGEL, ANGEL MUSE, ALIEN, AURA, WOMANITY, INNOCENT) ⋅ Herrendüfte (A*MEN, MUGLER COLOGNE) ⋅ Mode
Perfumery: Practice and Principles - Robert R. Calkin, J. Stephan Jellinek - Google Books
The art of creating perfumes was, for centuries, steeped in mystery. Over the past thirty years, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, and other technological innovations have largely lifted the veil of secrecy. The formulas of successful perfumes can now…
Geschenkset.co.de - Ihr Geschenkset Shop
Sterntaler Geschenk-Set Wieslinge Klecks, Remington Glätteisen »S6606 Haarglätter & D2400 Reisehaartrockner« Keramik-Turmalin-Beschichtung, Geschenkset, grau, Geschenkbeutel-Set, 6-tlg. IMPRESSIONEN natural, Løv Organic Geschenkset Slow Life, Thierry…