3 Ergebnisse für: pezarro
Israel Galvan "Lo Real" during IV Dutch Flamenco Biennale - Amsterdam, 22 January 2013 - YouTube
'Israel Galván doesn't dance flamenco, he reinvents it', a critic once wrote. Galván puts it like this: 'My work leads me to dance the impossible, transformi...
Israel Galván "La Curva" during IV Dutch Flamenco Biennale - Rotterdam, 20 January 2013 - YouTube
As the son of a Sevillian dancer, Israel Galván was brought up on flamenco. The Spanish choreographer and dancer followed in the footsteps of his father José...
Mario Maya, bailaor y coreógrafo - YouTube
2008: 27 de septiembre. Muere en Sevilla el bailaor y coreógrafo Mario Maya Fajardo. A la capilla ardiente asistieron numerosas personalidades de la Cultura ...