26 Ergebnisse für: pithos
Category:Phaistos – Wikimedia Commons
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"schwarzfiguriger Vasenmaler" - Google-Suche
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Die Wasserleitung des Eupalinos: die Funde - Ulf Jantzen - Google Books
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The Swedish Cyprus Expedition: Finds and Results of the Excavations in ... - Svenska Cypernexpeditionen, 1927-1931, Einar Gjerstad, John Lindros, Erik Sjöqvist, Alfred Westholm - Google Books
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An Iron Age and Roman Republican settlement on Botromagno, Gravina di Puglia ... - Alastair Small - Google Books
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Auf den Spuren der Ostbarbaren: zur Archäologie protohistorischer Kulturen ... - Barbara Seyock - Google Books
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Schriften zur etruskischen und italischen Kunst und Religion - Erika Simon - Google Books
Fuer diesen Sammelband hat die Autorin Schriften aus ueber drei Jahrzehnten ausgew hlt und durch Unver ffentlichtes erg nzt. Im Zentrum der 17 Beitr ge stehen etruskische und mittelitalische Kultgottheiten und mythologische Szenen auf hervorragenden Werken…
Dr. Torben Keßler (SFB) — Klassische Archäologie
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Hellenistic Pottery: The Plain Wares - Susan I. Rotroff, American School of Classical Studies at Athens - Google Books
This manuscript represents the third and final volume in the publication of the Hellenistic pottery unearthed by the American excavations in the Athenian Agora. The first installment (Agora XXII) was devoted to the moldmade bowls and the second (Agora…
Bab Edh-Dhra': Excavations at the Town Site - 2 Parts - Walter E. Rast, R. Thomas Schaub - Google Books
The important Early Bronze Age site of B b edh-Dhr ', on the lisan near the Dead Sea in Jordan, was first excavated by Paul W. Lapp in the 1960s. The first volume of the Reports of the Expedition described the burial practices and artifacts revealed in the…