43 Ergebnisse für: pitting
Zahnrad-Tests am LMGK: Grübchen (Pitting) - Graufleckigkeit (Micropitting) - Fressen (Scuffing)
Informationen zu Tests und Untersuchungen von Schmierstoffen und Zahnradwerkstoffen in Bezug auf Pittings, Micropittings und Scuffings durch Getriebe-Prüfstandsversuche an der Ruhr-Uni-Bochum (LMGK)
Category:Pigging – Wikimedia Commons
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H. T. Dean´s epidemiology of mottled teeth (dental fluorosis)
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The Namibian War of Independence, 1966–1989: Diplomatic, Economic and ... - Richard Dale - Google Books
The decolonization of Namibia was delayed from 1966 to 1989—the period of the war of independence—pitting the Namibian nationalists against the South African minority-ruled regime. This book describes the diplomatic, economic and military campaigns of the…
The Namibian War of Independence, 1966-1989: Diplomatic, Economic and ... - Richard Dale - Google Books
The decolonization of Namibia was delayed from 1966 to 1989—the period of the war of independence—pitting the Namibian nationalists against the South African minority-ruled regime. This book describes the diplomatic, economic and military campaigns of the…
DiRT Rally | Oculus
DiRT Rally is the most authentic and thrilling rally game ever made. It perfectly captures the white knuckle feeling of racing on the edge . Now with full Oculus Rift support, DiRT Rally features iconic cars from the history of the sport up to modern day…
Category:Nondestructive testing – Wikimedia Commons
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Tüpfelnägel - Altmeyers Enzyklopädie - Fachbereich Dermatologie
Oberflächliche, feine, kaum 0,1 cm große, runde oder ovale, punktförmige Einsenkungen der Nagelplatte (Oberflächendefekte), die bei einem oder mehreren Nägel...
FZG: Veröffentlichungen
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Historical Dictionary of the Civil War - Terry L. Jones - Google Books
The Civil War was the most traumatic event in American history, pitting Americans against one another, rending the national fabric, leaving death and devastation in its wake, and instilling an anger that has not entirely dissipated even to this day, 150…