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Generalized Optimal Control of Linear Systems with Distributed Parameters - S.I. Lyashko - Google Books
The author of this book made an attempt to create the general theory of optimization of linear systems (both distributed and lumped) with a singular control. The book touches upon a wide range of issues such as solvability of boundary values problems for…
A Course in Commutative Banach Algebras - Eberhard Kaniuth - Google Books
Banach algebras are Banach spaces equipped with a continuous multipli- tion. In roughterms,there arethree types ofthem:algebrasofboundedlinear operators on Banach spaces with composition and the operator norm, al- bras consisting of bounded continuous…
Real Analysis - Andrew M. Bruckner, Judith B. Bruckner, Brian S. Thomson - Google Books
For beginning graduate-level courses in Real Analysis, Measure Theory, Lebesque Integration, and Functional Analysis. An important new graduate text that motivates the reader by providing the historical evolution of modern analysis. Sensitive to the needs…
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Homepage of Tanja Eisner
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Universitaet Mannheim - LS4 - Prof. Dr. G. Nürnberger
Prof. Dr. G. Nürnberger
Universitaet Mannheim - LS4 - Prof. Dr. G. Nürnberger
Prof. Dr. G. Nürnberger
Universitaet Mannheim - LS4 - Prof. Dr. G. Nürnberger
Prof. Dr. G. Nürnberger