77 Ergebnisse für: politburo
A stroke of fate changed history - Germany: Berlin Wall anniversary | Focus on Europe - YouTube
A stroke of fate changed history: on November 9, 1989 a member of the politburo announced at a press conference that East Germans would be free to travel. He...
Radio Free Europe Research - Google Books
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Who's who in the People's Republic of China - Wolfgang Bartke - Google Books
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Category:Petro Shelest – Wikimedia Commons
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Kommunismus in der Krise: die Entstalinisierung 1956 und die Folgen - Google Books
Mit seiner berühmten Geheimrede über die Verbrechen Stalins auf dem XX. Parteitag der KPdSU leitete Chruschtschow 1956 ein politisches Tauwetter im kommunistischen Machtbereich ein, das bald in krisenhafte Entwicklungen mündete. Diese…
Category:Nikolai Krestinsky – Wikimedia Commons
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Category:Pavel Postyshev – Wikimedia Commons
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Syria: A Country Study - Federal Research Division - Google Books
The Syrian Communist Party (SCP), the bitter adversary of the Baath Party in the late 1950s, was in 1987 the second largest legal political party in Syria and an important constituent element of the NPF. The venerable Khalid Bakdash, a Kurd from Damascus…
Syria: A Country Study - Federal Research Division - Google Books
The Syrian Communist Party (SCP), the bitter adversary of the Baath Party in the late 1950s, was in 1987 the second largest legal political party in Syria and an important constituent element of the NPF. The venerable Khalid Bakdash, a Kurd from Damascus…
Revenge of the Forbidden City: The Suppression of the Falungong in China ... - James W. Tong - Google Books
The Falungong movement originated in 1992 as a system of breathing exercises designed to promote health and well-being. Riding on the coattails of the qigong fever that swept through China, it attracted an extensive following until 1994, when the Chinese…