46 Ergebnisse für: politeness
Politeness in Language: Studies in Its History, Theory and Practice - Google Books
The second edition of this collection of 13 original papers contains an updated introductory section detailing the significance that the original articles published in 1992 have for the further development of research into linguistic politeness into the…
Susanne Mühleisen, PhiN 34/2005: 102–106.
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Chatroom24.de - Ihr Chatroom24 Shop
(Im)politeness in an Internet Chatroom als Buch von árka Hastrdlová, iMurders - Chatroom des Todes, Chatroom-Falle, Chatroom 1000 Teile Lege-Größe 64 x 48 cm Foto-Puzzle Bild von Eble Tobias, Niedrig und Kuhnt - Verabredung zum Tod,
Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage - Penelope Brown, Stephen C. Levinson, Stephen C.. Levinson - Google Books
This study is about the principles for constructing polite speeches. The core of it first appeared in Questions and Politeness, edited by Esther N. Goody (now out of print). It is here reissued with a fresh introduction that surveys the considerable…
Afrikanistik-Aegyptologie-Online (AAeO) — Afrikanistik-Aegyptologie-Online
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Romania.co.de - Ihr Romania Shop
Sprachkontakte in der Romania als eBook Download von, Romania & Moldova Travel Map als Buch von, In Limine Romaniae als eBook Download von, Romania, 1877, Vol. 6 als Buch von, Manele in Romania als Buch von Beissinger,
"you can say you to me" - Google-Suche
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"you can say you to me" - Google-Suche
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Projects - Human Centered Multimedia - University of Augsburg - Uni Augsburg
HCM-Lab: Intuitive Interaction, Our everyday environments become more and more equipped with computing power which is no longer concentrated in a single desktop box. Thus, it is indispensable to move away from traditional input devices, such as mouse or…
textfeld.ac.at - Vernetzung akademischer Textproduktion. Hier Texte publizieren, lesen, kommentieren und diskutieren