31 Ergebnisse für: polluting
electronic library - A Novel Non-Polluting VTOL Hybrid Airplane
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., eLib - DLR electronic library
Category:Junk yards – Wikimedia Commons
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double dividend hypothesis - Google-Suche
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Handbook of Nuclear Engineering: Vol. 1: Nuclear Engineering Fundamentals ... - Google Books
The Handbook of Nuclear Engineering is an authoritative compilation of information regarding methods and data used in all phases of nuclear engineering. Addressing nuclear engineers and scientists at all academic levels, this five volume set provides the…
Track-less train : The transit system uses rubber wheels on a plastic core : Trains without track - YouTube
Track-less train : The transit system uses rubber wheels on a plastic core : Trains without track Is this the future of urban transport? China unveils track-...
„Klimacamp“ in NRW: Mit Tausenden Körpern gegen den Braunkohle-Abbau - WELT
In einem „Klimacamp“ in Erkelenz bereiten sich Tausende Kohle-Gegner auf Aktionen gegen Tagebaue und Kraftwerke vor. Sie selbst bezeichnen das als zivilen Ungehorsam. Doch die Polizei fürchtet Gewalt.
USAID Brings Electricity to Maridi, southern Sudan - YouTube
USAID brought electricity to two key towns in southern Sudan in February, 2011—Kapoeta in Eastern Equatoria and Maridi in Western Equatoria—as part of USAID'...
LEGO: Everything is NOT awesome. - YouTube
UPDATE: Great news! LEGO has announced it will not renew its contract with Shell. This is a massive victory for over 1 million Arctic Defenders globally. But...
Baby Got Laugengebäck | #summacumlauge NEO MAGAZIN ROYALE mit Jan Böhmermann - ZDFneo - YouTube
Unser Land steckt in der Krise. Unsere Autos verschmutzen neuerdings die Umwelt, unsere Verteidungsministerin beschmutzt den Doktortitel und selbst Ungarn is...
Electric and Hybrid Cars: A History - Curtis Darrel Anderson, Judy Anderson - Google Books
Far from being a modern conception, electric cars were among the first vehicles on the road. In the formative days of the automobile, a third of cars were electric, and they challenged internal combustion engine-driven vehicles for primacy. Economic and…