14 Ergebnisse für: probit
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Interview mit Rainer Hufnagel-Person zur Kinderlosigkeit von Akademikerinnen « Dishwasher
Das Magazin für studierende Arbeiterkinder
Categorical Data Analysis - Alan Agresti - Google Books
Praise for the Second Edition "A must-have book for anyone expecting to do research and/or applications in categorical data analysis." —Statistics in Medicine "It is a total delight reading this book." —Pharmaceutical Research "If you do any analysis of…
Tutz - Lehrstuhl für Statistik und ihre Anwendungen in Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften - LMU München
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EViews - Ökonometrie Software zur Prognose: ARCH Modelle .....
Eviews erstellt Zeitreihen- und Panelanalysen mit herausragender Qualität. Die meistgenutzte Ökonometrie Software! ARCH Modelle, Zeitreihen, Prognosen, u.v.m.
Search Results - gnd:130624640 - EconBiz
Search Results - gnd:130624640
The Toxicology and Biochemistry of Insecticides - Simon J. Yu - Google Books
Despite their potentially adverse effects on nontarget species and the environment, insecticides remain a necessity in crop protection as well as in the reduction of insect-borne diseases. The Toxicology and Biochemistry of Insecticides provides essential…
The Toxicology and Biochemistry of Insecticides - Simon J. Yu - Google Books
Despite their potentially adverse effects on nontarget species and the environment, insecticides remain a necessity in crop protection as well as in the reduction of insect-borne diseases. The Toxicology and Biochemistry of Insecticides provides essential…