148 Ergebnisse für: prognostic
GMS | GMS Thoracic Surgical Science | GMS Thoracic Surgical Science
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GMS | GMS Thoracic Surgical Science | GMS Thoracic Surgical Science
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Prospects in Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer: Proceedings of the ... - Google Books
These papers are from a symposium which was organized with the following objectives: to bring together research-oriented clinicians and tumor biologists; to focus on mechanisms of factors of tumor biology with prognostic relevance; and to evaluate aspects…
Rosen's Breast Pathology - Google Books
The Second Edition of this gold-standard text and reference provides a comprehensive description of breast pathology in a clinical context, with emphasis on morphological descriptions of breast cancer in all its many variations. Updates include new…
Björn L.D.M. Brücher - Google Scholar Citations
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Category:Science and technology in Brazil – Wikimedia Commons
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Category:Gliosis – Wikimedia Commons
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Zur Aussagekraft der HER2 Rezeptorexpression in caninen Mammatumoren als diagnostischer und prognostischer Faktor
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Decision-Making.de - Ihr Decision Making Shop
Applied Decision-Making, The ECC in Emergency Decision Making, Rational Decision Making, Accounting for Decision Making and Control, Computational Intelligence and Decision Making als Buch von,
Cll.de - Ihr Cll Shop
LEMO PHG1B306CLL - Kabelbuchse, B-Serie 1B, 6 polig, 5,1 … 6,0 mm, AF-S 200mm / 2G ED VR II, CL-L2 Objektivtasche, Mellanox 3 Year Extended Warranty for a total of 4 years Bronze for SN2410_CUMULUS Series Switch (EXW-SN2000-CL-L-4B), Enermax D.F. Vegas…