262 Ergebnisse für: reject
Interpretation: Despite the fact he was... - Darwin for Congress | Facebook
Interpretation: Despite the fact he was running unopposed, 30% of the voters in Georgia’s 10th district went out of their way to reject Paul Broun. We...
Interview with Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki: "Tunisia is attempting a democratic reconstruction" - Qantara.de
One has to be prepared to work with the Islamists for the sake of social peace, says the Tunisian president, Moncef Marzouki. He told Edith Kresta and Renate Fisseler-Skandrani that this applies even if some of them reject democracy
Brand Storming: Managing Brands in the Era of Complexity - M. Fioroni, G. Titterton - Google Books
We have witnessed a revolution in the way consumers relate to a product; increasingly tending to reject brands which offer over-extensive lines in favour of those which are able to offer a lifestyle. Brand Storming sets out to provide a guide for business…
Effekten.co.de - Ihr Effekten Shop
REPLAY Jeans, Grover, mit starken Destroyed-Effekten, Straight Leg Weiß, Eagletone Matrix Flower, Dreadbox Lfo, Strymon Magneto Echo Looper Eurorack, Erzi® Spiegelwürfel Playcube´´´´,
Impressum | AbbVie
Hier finden Sie das Impressum von AbbVie Deutschland GmbH & Co KG in Wiesbaden.
Zaire.co.de - Ihr Zaire Shop
Two Novel Approaches for Pavement Performance Modeling als Buch von Zairen Luo, LOGOSHIRT Schultertasche mit Air Zaire Airways-Logodruck »Air Zaire Airways«, Tasche Air Zaire Airways - Umhängetasche - Schultertasche – Sporttasche – grün, Internationale…
Forschungsschwerpunkte - Forschung & Entwicklung | AbbVie
Unsere Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen auf den Gebieten Immunologie, Onkologie und Neurologie in Bereichen mit hohem medizinischem Bedarf.
Culture Wars: Context, Models and Anthropologists' Accounts - Google Books
The relationship between anthropologists’ ethnographic investigations and the lived social worlds in which these originate is a fundamental issue for anthropology. Where some claim that only native voices may offer authentic accounts of culture and hence…
Über uns | AbbVie
AbbVie ist ein globales, forschendes BioPharma-Unternehmen. Wir leisten einen entscheidenden Beitrag für die Gesundheitsversorgung von Patienten.
Ireland and Empire: Colonial Legacies in Irish History and Culture - Stephen Howe - Google Books
A growing band of historians, political commentators, and cultural critics has sought to analyse Ireland's past and present in colonial terms. For some, including Irish Republicans, it is the only proper framework for understanding Ireland. Others reject…