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Recruiting176 Ergebnisse für: rewriting
Rewriting the script: A love letter to our families (2001) - YouTube
Order DVD: Rewriting the the Script: A Love Letter to Our Families is a video produced by Friday Nite Productions, a Toronto...
Term Rewriting Systems - Terese - Google Books
Term rewriting systems, which developed out of mathematical logic, consist of sequences of discrete steps where one term is replaced with another. Their many applications range from automatic theorem proving systems to computer algebra. This book begins…
„Schritte“-Stipendien : Literarisches Colloquium Berlin
Ein Haus inmitten der Literatur: Seit mehr als fünfzig Jahren ist das Literarische Colloquium Berlin tief im Berliner Literaturleben verwurzelt und strahlt zugleich weit über die Stadt hinaus.
IPD Goos - Projekt Graph Rewriting
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- - Ihr Lambda Shop
TDK-Lambda Z-232-9 Schnittstellenkabel Passend für Marke TDK-Lambda, Grivel - Lambda Twin Gate - Verschlusskarabiner, Rewriting and Typed Lambda Calculi als eBook Download von, Childhome Lambda 2 Mitwachsstuhl, The Application of the Plane Grating to…
CSS3 ist die neuste Version der Cascading Style Sheets Sprache und erweitert damit CSS2.1. Sie bringt langerwartete Neuheiten, wie abgerundete Ecken, Schatten, Verläufe, Übergänge und Animationen, sowie neue Layouts wie z.B. multi-columns, flexible box…
The Contemporáneos Group: Rewriting Mexico in the Thirties and Forties - Salvador A. Oropesa - Google Books
In the years following the Mexican Revolution, a nationalist and masculinist image of Mexico emerged through the novels of the Revolution, the murals of Diego Rivera, and the movies of Golden Age cinema. Challenging this image were the Contemporneos, a…
Sexual violence in German culture: rereading and rewriting the tradition - Sabine H. Smith - Google Books
The project examines fictional and non-fictional texts on sexual violence in German culture between 1774 and 1994. Specifically, it juxtaposes historical and contemporary Penal Codes and statistical records from Germany, theoretical scholarship and applie
Writing and Rewriting the Holocaust: Narrative and the Consequences of ... - James Edward Young - Google Books
"... a fresh critical model for students of Holocaust literature and historiography... " —B'nai B'rith Messenger"This is the first and most sophisticated attempt I have come across to apply modern literary theory to Holocaust material, and the act of…
The War for Palestine: Rewriting the History of 1948 - Google Books
By all accounts, the 1948 Palestine war was one of the most significant milestones in the modern history of the Middle East and remains one of the most intractable conflicts of modern times. Israelis call the 1948 war "The War of Independence" while Arabs…