126 Ergebnisse für: rightly
Lon Chaney, Jr.: Horror Film Star, 1906–1973 - Don G. Smith - Google Books
Though he was haunted by the shadow of his legendary father and devastated by alcoholism, Lon Chaney, Jr., carved out a very successful film career as Universal’s leading horror star in the 1940s, and later as a leading character actor in Westerns, dramas,…
Jesus and His Death: Historiography, the Historical Jesus, and Atonement Theory - Scot McKnight - Google Books
Recent scholarship on the historical Jesus has rightly focused upon how Jesus understood his own mission. But no scholarly effort to understand the mission of Jesus can rest content without exploring the historical possibility that Jesus envisioned his own…
China Inside Out: Contemporary Chinese Nationalism and Transnationalism - Google Books
The "war on terror" has generated a scramble for expertise on Islamic or Asian "culture" and revived support for area studies, but it has done so at the cost of reviving the kinds of dangerous generalizations that area studies have…
Taufe und Kindertaufe, im Auszug besonders abdgedr. aus dem. 7. Theil der ... - Ewald Rudolf Stier - Google Books
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Der Komponist Helmut Krausser
Kompositionen Helmut Kraussers
Roy Orbison: Invention Of An Alternative Rock Masculinity - Peter Lehman - Google Books
Roy Orbison's music—whether heard in his own recordings or in cover versions of his songs—is a significant part of contemporary American culture despite the fact that he died almost a generation ago. Few of today's listeners know or remember how…
Light on Darkness?: Missionary Photography of Africa in the Nineteenth and ... - T. Jack Thompson - Google Books
In its earliest days, photography was seen as depicting its subjects with such objectivity as to be inherently free of ideological bias. Today we are rightly more skeptical -- at least most of the time. When it comes to photography from the past, we tend…
Evolution and Speciation of Island Plants - Google Books
Oceanic island archipelagos provide many clues about evolutionary patterns and processes, and may rightly be considered as among the best places on earth to seek an understanding of the origin and elaboration of biological diversity. This volume brings…
Light on Darkness?: Missionary Photography of Africa in the Nineteenth and ... - T. Jack Thompson - Google Books
In its earliest days, photography was seen as depicting its subjects with such objectivity as to be inherently free of ideological bias. Today we are rightly more skeptical -- at least most of the time. When it comes to photography from the past, we tend…