9 Ergebnisse für: sambath
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Kambodschas Genozid: Paranoia trieb die Roten Khmer in ihren Blutrausch - WELT
Der Völkermord der Roten Khmer wird häufig mit Steinzeitkommunismus erklärt. Es mordeten aber keine wilden Horden, sondern ein bürokratisches Gefängnissystem, in dem auch die eigenen Kader starben.
Behind the Killing Fields: A Khmer Rouge Leader and One of His Victims - Gina Chon, Sambath Thet - Google Books
In recent history, atrocities have often been committed in the name of lofty ideals. One of the most disturbing examples took place in Cambodia's Killing Fields, where tens of thousands of victims were executed and hastily disposed of by Khmer Rouge…
Behind the Killing Fields: A Khmer Rouge Leader and One of His Victims - Gina Chon, Sambath Thet - Google Books
In recent history, atrocities have often been committed in the name of lofty ideals. One of the most disturbing examples took place in Cambodia's Killing Fields, where tens of thousands of victims were executed and hastily disposed of by Khmer Rouge…
Behind the Killing Fields: A Khmer Rouge Leader and One of His Victims - Gina Chon, Sambath Thet - Google Books
In recent history, atrocities have often been committed in the name of lofty ideals. One of the most disturbing examples took place in Cambodia's Killing Fields, where tens of thousands of victims were executed and hastily disposed of by Khmer Rouge…
Morde der Roten Khmer: So planvoll ging es in den Folterzentren Pol Pots zu - WELT
Das berüchtigte Folterzentrum Tuol Sleng in Phnom Penh war nur eines von fast 200 Lagern, mit denen die Roten Khmer Kambodscha überzogen. Nach einem strengen Regelwerk wurde gequält und gemordet.
„Ich höre noch Schreie in der Nacht“ - DER SPIEGEL 17/1980
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Benutzer:Generator – Wikipedia
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