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Septuaginta75 Ergebnisse für: septuagint
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Lederjacke ´Marcos-B´, The Septuagint in Context als Buch von Natalio Fernndez Marcos, Natalio Fernandez Marcos, REDEFINED REBEL Jeansshorts »Marcos«, Yo Marcos, MUSTANG Herren Biker-Jacke Marcos aus Lammleder schwarz Gr.M,
The Septuagint and Modern Study - Sidney Jellicoe - Google Books
"Twenty-five years after it first appeared, Jellicoe's classic work is still one of the most comprehensive introductions to the Septuagint and cognate studies. Its completeness makes it valuable not only as a textbook, but also as a reference tool for…
The Septuagint and Modern Study - Sidney Jellicoe - Google Books
"Twenty-five years after it first appeared, Jellicoe's classic work is still one of the most comprehensive introductions to the Septuagint and cognate studies. Its completeness makes it valuable not only as a textbook, but also as a reference tool for…
The Septuagint and Modern Study - Sidney Jellicoe - Google Books
"Twenty-five years after it first appeared, Jellicoe's classic work is still one of the most comprehensive introductions to the Septuagint and cognate studies. Its completeness makes it valuable not only as a textbook, but also as a reference tool for…
The Septuagint and Modern Study - Sidney Jellicoe - Google Books
"Twenty-five years after it first appeared, Jellicoe's classic work is still one of the most comprehensive introductions to the Septuagint and cognate studies. Its completeness makes it valuable not only as a textbook, but also as a reference tool for…
The Septuagint and Modern Study - Sidney Jellicoe - Google Books
"Twenty-five years after it first appeared, Jellicoe's classic work is still one of the most comprehensive introductions to the Septuagint and cognate studies. Its completeness makes it valuable not only as a textbook, but also as a reference tool for…
2 Kings 19:37 Und da er anbetete im Hause Nisrochs, seines Gottes, schlugen ihn mit dem Schwert Adramelech und Sarezer, seine Söhne; und sie entrannen ins Land Ararat. Und sein Sohn Assar-Haddon ward König an seiner Statt.
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Emanuel: Studies in the Hebrew Bible, the Septuagint, and the Dead Sea ... - Google Books
This volume honors the lifetime of scholarly contribution and leadership of Professor Emanuel Tov, Judah L. Magnes professor of Bible at the Department of Bible, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Colleagues from all over the world have contributed…
Exodus - Google Books
" ... The creation and propagation of a critical text of the LXX/OG has been a basic concern in modern scholarship. The two great text editions begun in the early 20th century are the Cambridge Septuagint and the Gt̲tingen Septuagint, each with a 'minor…
Exodus - Google Books
" ... The creation and propagation of a critical text of the LXX/OG has been a basic concern in modern scholarship. The two great text editions begun in the early 20th century are the Cambridge Septuagint and the Gt̲tingen Septuagint, each with a 'minor…